Contact Our Offices Today for a Free Case Evaluation !
The skilled and experienced lemon law team at the Law Offices of Sotera L. Anderson are ready to review your lemon law case. To schedule your free case evaluation , call 855-96-LEMON (5-3666) or submit your information in our contact form and someone from our team will contact you to schedule your free case evaluation. Act now to preserve your California lemon law rights before it’s too late.
To perform the free case evaluation, we will need to see the purchase contract and the repair records.
Wondering what we might be looking for when we review your records? Check out these pages on our website.
San Diego
16870 W Bernardo Dr #400
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: (858)-247-0050
Driving Directions
We are located on the 4th floor of The Bluffs office building in San Diego just minutes from Interstate 15 and right next to the National University – Bernardo, California Campus.
Los Angeles
PLEASE NOTE: We Do Not Accept Any Mailings at This Address. Our LA Office is for In-Person Appointments Only.
811 Wilshire Blvd #1700 PMB 136
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (310) 421-2483